Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Get Fit and Trim After the Holidays

The Holidays Are Coming!

The Holidays are coming! This is not the time of year when you only get to celebrate holidays with your family and friends, but it is also the time of year when many of us, if not everyone, indulge in delicious food. If you have been good all year, it is only logical that you cut yourself some slack (i.e. a slice of cake) and reward yourself with delicious foods during the holidays
However, we will not talk about all the tasty food that you can prepare and eat during the holidays. We will talk about how you can enjoy the holidays without having to deny yourself of any food, and still get fit and trim after the holidays

Don't Procrastinate!

 I hate to be the one who spoils all the fun, but let's imagine the holidays are over, and you are left with a smile on your face and a couple of extra pounds. What do you plan on doing about this? To help you get back in shape, I will tell you two essential tips for losing weight after the holidays. The first and the most important thing to remember is that you should not procrastinate. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be for you to start your weight loss journey.

Make an Amazing Eating Plan

 You are probably wondering what an amazing eating plan could be. In simple words, this eating plan should include meals that your taste buds will love, it should make your life, or to be more precise your eating habits simple, and it should allow you to break the rules every once in a while.

Food Rich in Fiber and Protein

 So, let's start with meals that you will actually enjoy eating. Do you like Greek yogurt, milk, mozzarella, or eggs? Not only are these foods rich in protein, but they are also delicious. A small apple has close to 4 grams of fiber, and there are 4 reasons to include apples in your meals: they are healthy, rich in fiber, very helpful in helping you lose weight, and they make a very delicious dessert. Just add a bit of cinnamon and raisins on top of apples and you have a delicious dessert which is of course healthy.


 Speaking of fiber, your delicious eating plan should contain all kinds of berries: blueberries, raspberries - just name it, and you are already making your meals healthier by introducing antioxidants and vitamin C. Let's not forget nuts which are super-rich in fiber, protein, and good fats. Feel like experimenting? Mix a small amount of nuts with Greek yogurt, and you'll have a very delicious meal that will keep you full, and help you lose weight.

Break the Rules Every Once in a While

 The fact that you can easily find all the foods mentioned above makes your life easier, right? So, this perfect eating plan only needs one more thing - breaking the rules. You should break the rules from time to time, and eat something your healthy eating plan wouldn't normally allow. It's fine to break the rules and not be too harsh on yourself. Cut yourself some slack, and reward yourself for eating healthy foods with something you really love even if it is not that healthy.

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